
佚名 钢结构工程 2024-05-07 159





本案分包合同仅约定按照分包合同固定金额结算,而非按照分包合同固定金额结算。 分包合同与承包合同仍为独立合同。 分包人未经审核将实际施工人员提交的结算信息提交给承包人,且在实际施工人员提起诉讼后未针对结算信息不真实、合理提出有效抗辩的,应当承担相应责任。 即使承包商因此可能承担一定损失,也应视为其应当承担的商业风险,不能作为拒绝向实际施工人支付工程价款的理由。


承包合同与分包合同仅存在事实涉入关系,不具有法律涉入关系,属于独立合同。 当事人没有特别约定的,分包合同的结算不以分包合同的结算为前提。 实际施工单位向承包商提交结算信息后,承包商应当在合理期限内进行审核,并及时向实际施工单位提出审批意见。 承包人未对和解信息提出异议,仅以承包人未与其达成和解的事实为由进行抗辩的,不予支持。 即使开发商与承包商、承包商与实际建筑商之间在不同的诉讼中工程价格可能存在差异,但这种差异是两份合同事实上涉及的反映,不能作为法律上的理由。参与。 实际施工方提交的沉降数据存在“水分”,只是一种可能性而非现实,承包商可以通过审核沉降数据来挤出“水分”,但不能将这项工作完全交给承包商。 承包人长期不行使此项权利的,应当承担由此造成的损失。




虽然总承包商与第三方签订了合同,同意将涉案整个工程分包给第三方,但总承包商下属项目部也与实际施工方签订了合同,同意实际施工方整体分包。承包案件。 工程相关。 由于项目部是公司内部机构,不具有独立法人资格,总承包商已向项目部出具了涉案项目建设和管理的充分授权程序,实际施工单位已进行所涉及项目的实际工作。 就施工而言,公司项目部与他人签订协议的行为属于授权代理。 项目部就涉案项目签订的协议对总承包商具有法律效力。 应认定总承包商与实际施工单位已订立工程合同。 分包关系。

最高人民法院认为,虽然工程项目部是江苏一建为辽宁城建设立的,但江苏一建并不负责涉案项目的具体建设和管理,江苏一建并非实际工程项目部。涉案工程建设单位。 由于宏丰公司与项目部签订了《内部承包协议》并进行涉案工程的实际施工,故宏丰公司为涉案工程的实际施工单位。 因此,虽然江苏一建与辽宁城建正式签订了分包协议,且项目部是辽宁城建的授权代理人,但项目部与宏丰公司签订的《内部承包协议》对辽宁城建具有法律约束力,辽宁城建与宏丰公司依据部承包协议形成直接合同关系。 由于辽宁城建参与该项目,因此将其承建的工程全部转包给了宏丰公司。 辽宁城建是违法分包商,宏丰公司是实际施工单位。 双方之间形成非法分包关系。 若庄河市中心医院未足额支付工程价款,辽宁城建应向宏丰公司支付所欠工程价款。 庄河市中心医院作为承包商,明知涉案工程实际由宏丰公司承建,应在未付工程价款范围内向实际施工方宏丰公司承担连带付款责任。 据此,最高人民法院裁定驳回辽宁城建、庄河市中心医院的再审申请。




根据查明的事实,西藏建工总公司和恒邦劳务公司均认可恒邦劳务公司先承建工程,遂签订《分包合同》及补充协议。 合同及补充协议均明确恒邦劳务公司为承包商,范围包括人工费、机械费、周转材料费、易耗材料费等。约定恒邦劳务公司采购合同上所有材料。自己绘制的图。 而且,涉案项目部系恒邦劳务公司设立。 恒邦劳务公司实际进行施工管理,指派相关施工人员进驻施工现场,负责核实土石板移交费、联系材料供应商等,并完成施工。 西藏第三建设公司与材料供应商签订《材料采购合同》并支付货款的行为,不能否定恒邦劳务公司实际完成涉案工程的事实。 因此,原判决认定恒邦劳务公司与西藏第三建筑公司形成的关系属于涉案工程的承包关系,而不仅仅是劳务分包关系,并无不当。












最高人民法院民事一庭:分包本质上是指建设工程(总)承包商违反法律、法规规定,改变承包工程的合同标的或者不改变合同标的却使用分包管理而不参与合同。 现场管理行为。 查处分包行为,在施工过程中主要要检查六个方面:




(4) 核实其管理人员的可用性;





分包商同时签订合法分包合同和非法分包合同的,分包商应履行哪份合同,应以施工过程中形成的《工程质量验收记录》、《工作联系函》等证据材料为准。过程。 根据记录的内容进行综合判断。 发包人不得仅以已与分包人签订分包合同并实际向分包人支付工程款为由,抗辩总承包商支付分包工程款的请求。







Ⅰ. 非法分包的司法认定


二. 加盖承包商公章并不意味着该承包商是合同主体。

《围墙墙面漆合同》由被告卢某(分包商)与原告(实际施工单位)签订。 “欠条”也是卢某向原告开具的。 上面只加盖了海逸公司涉案项目技术资料专用印章。 现被告海逸公司尚未予以认可,原告也未提交证据证明其有理由相信陆某有权代表海逸公司签订合同、进行和解。 因此,相应的法律后果应由被告卢某承担,对被告海怡公司不具有约束力。

三. 实际施工单位无权要求分包单位承担连带付款责任

《民法通则》第一百七十八条规定“连带责任由法律规定或者当事人约定”。 原告与被告海逸公司不存在合同关系,现行法律也未明确原告与被告海逸公司不存在合同关系。 合同关系中分包商的责任是一个问题。 因此,原告的诉讼请求依据不足,本院不予支持。

四. 如果未履行付款条件,承包商将不承担向实际施工人员付款的责任。

被告烟草公司尚有10%的工程结算价款未支付给被告海怡公司。 根据双方合同,该部分货款的付款条件尚未履行。 这一事实得到了涉案各方的认可。 如果履行了付款条件,根据《最高人民法院关于审理建设工程合同纠纷案件适用法律问题的解释》第二十六条第二款的规定,被告烟草公司应当作为实际施工单位向原告承担赔偿责任。在上述工程造价范围内。


10.违法发包工程的业主必须连带向农民工支付劳务费——业主将建设工程发包给不具备施工资质或用人单位资质的总承包商,总承包商将工程分包给不具备施工资质或用人单位资质的企业。不具有施工资质或用工单位资质的实际承包人。 尽管业主已付清工程价款,但施工方仍与总承包商就实际施工方欠农民工的劳务费债务承担连带责任。


建设单位将建设工程承包给不具备施工资质的总承包商(个人),个人将工程分包给不具备施工资质的实际施工人员(个人),虽然建设单位已向总承包商支付了工程价款,但由于建设单位将工程承包给不具备施工资质和用工单位资质的个人,违反了工程承包法律的禁止性规定,存在一定过错。 因此,应负责清偿实际建设者所欠的农民工劳务费。 连带责任。




建筑施工企业将工程分包给不具备施工资质的自然人后,该自然人作为工程的实际施工人,实际负责施工管理并承担经营风险,两者之间存在管理与被管理关系。他招募的工人。 劳动者与建筑企业不存在劳动关系。 因此,工人要求建筑公司补缴社会保险费、支付双倍工资以及未签订书面劳动合同的加班工资的要求不能成立。 参照《建筑领域农民工工资支付管理暂行办法》第十二条规定江苏鑫鹏钢结构工程有限公司,工程总承包单位不得将工程违规承包、分包给组织或者个人不具备劳动主体资格的,否则对拖欠工资承担连带责任。 责任。 因此,建筑企业作为违法分包商,应当承担工人的劳动报酬责任。




最高人民法院《关于审理建设工程施工合同纠纷案件适用法律问题的解释》第三条第一款第(二)项规定,修缮的建设工程竣工验收合格,发包人请求承包商承担修复费用的,应当予以支持。 路桥公司组织人员对涉案桃园隧道左右线进行缺陷治理施工,共支付返工费用7310347元。 本案中,虽然作为分包商的焦建奇、作为实际施工单位的张庆利对工程质量负有不可推卸的责任,但路桥公司管理不严,存在失误。 因此,路桥公司辩称,返工费用由双方均摊更为合适。


13. 承包商对分包的法律责任与承包商的法律责任相当。 应在其所欠工程款范围内向实际施工人承担连带责任——郑向庄因与西部中大建设集团有限公司及原审被告中铁五局串通罪被判局(组)。 )有限公司与甘肃达达路业有限公司建设工程施工合同纠纷案


2005年11月9日,中铁第五工程局与西部中大公司签订《甘肃省罗定高速公路招标合作协议》,将该工程分包给西部中大公司。 随后,西部中大公司将劳务分包给郑祥庄施工队。 而中铁五工程局也因郑向庄的履约而受益。 中铁五局与西部中大公司未对涉案工程进行结算的,本着权利义务一致的原则,参照《最高人民法院关于适用法律的解释》第二十六条的规定《审理建设工程施工合同纠纷若干问题》第二款规定:“实际施工人作为被告向承包人主张权利的,人民法院可以追加分包人或者违法分包人作为当事人。仅在未支付工程价款的范围内对实际施工单位承担责任。” 对于郑向庄,中铁五局应在欠西部中大公司工程款范围内向郑向庄承担连带赔偿责任。




临海公司作为涉案第二标段总标承包商,目前尚未完成向航道工程局的付款。 《建设工程司法解释》第二十六条规定了承包人在拖欠工程款范围内承担责任的原则。 该规定突破了合同的相对性,明确了承包商承担责任的目的是为了保护实际施工人员的利益。 但作为分包或分包合同的当事人,分包或分包单位无疑是工程债务的第一清偿责任人,承包商应当承担连带清偿责任。 本案中,航道工程局作为分包施工合同当事人,应是工程款支付的第一责任人,发包方临海公司应在范围内承担连带还款责任。未支付的项目资金。

第十五条 承包商本身不具备施工资质,非法分包给不具备资质的第三方的,对未支付的工程价款承担连带责任。


千山公司在再审期间提交的营业执照是2016年6月12日新颁发的,这不能否认其在一、二审诉讼中承认其施工期间不具备土石方施工资质的事实。 千山公司本身不具备施工资质,同时又非法分包给不具备施工资质的张锡林,导致实际施工方王乃发的合法权益受到侵害。 因此,应对张西林所欠王乃发的工程价款承担连带责任。




最高人民法院关于专业分包信息滞后问题认为。 涉案一期高层建筑安装工程合同第52.3条规定,总承包商配合管理费包括乙方相应的独立承包商和指定分包商实施一切必要的管理、协调、配合、服务和服务。提供任何必要的帮助。 、支持、条件和其他总承包商的责任和义务以及所有费用所必需的。 本协议表明总承包商而非承包商昆山和盛对分包合同承担配合和管理义务。 因此,专业分包信息的收集不属于中建四局作为总承包商的约定义务范围。 而且,昆山和盛复审申请中提到的S1一期高级合同第57.3条仅要求中建四局整理、绑定分包信息,而非收集。


17、承包商违规分包的,除了按照协议增加外,除分包商与承包商之间结算的工程价外,承包商主张的工程价款不予支持 - 福建中森建设有限公司、湖北旭东(集团)有限公司建设工程施工合同纠纷案。


最高人民法院认为,增加桩基础16,021,178.68元。 本院认为,桩基工程款不应增加上述金额。 原因是:

首先,福建中森公司将涉案工程全部分包的行为违反了法律规定,不应因违法分包而获取不当利益。 《中华人民共和国合同法》第272条第二款规定,承包人不得将其承包的全部建筑工程分包给第三人,或者将其承包的全部建筑工程肢解分拆。分包名称。 分包给第三方。 本案中,福建中森公司作为总承包商承包涉案工程后,与福建省中森公司签订了《徐东村改造项目桩基础工程施工合同》和《徐东村H1地块改造项目基坑支护工程》。分别是武汉地质公司。 福建中森公司的行为违反了《中华人民共和国合同法》上述规定,构成非法分包,一审判决福建中森公司与桩基实际施工单位武汉地质公司桩基工程造价52,262,958.23元。根据福建中森公司与武汉中森华公司《总承包建设合同》中的约定,应增加3%作为福建中森公司与武汉中森华公司桩基工程结算价的充分保障福建中森公司权益人提起上诉,并据此要求追加赔偿16,021,178.68元,系超出桩基工程实际成本的不当利益。 福建中森公司主张的利益不应得到支持和保护。

其次,本案一审中,一审法院在2019年9月19日质证程序中告知福建中森公司,因未在期限内提交桩基工程工程造价评估申请,法定期限内,以案件证据为准。 以及做出判断时的证据规则。 福建中森公司当时未对评估提出异议或发表意见。 因此,本案一审中福建中森公司的评估权不受影响。 而且,福建中森公司申请桩基工程鉴定的目的是为了通过鉴定获得更多的桩基工程资金。 如上所述,该公司不应因违规分包而多收桩基工程款。 因此,桩基工程造价的评估不再具有法律意义。 因此,公司提出的桩基工程造价评估申请,本院不予受理。


18、合同有约定的,按照合同规定的付款履行条件付款。 当分包商完成主合同义务但因合同约定未能按时支付工程款时,总承包商未能行使权利。 分包商可向承包商——中交广州航道局有限公司、港海(天津)建设有限公司建设工程施工合同纠纷主张工程结算款。


双方在合同中约定了工程结算款的支付时间……港航公司无权在合理期限内向广航追偿工程款……但港航公司已完成其在主合同项下的义务,双方均已完成结算。 在此情况下,广航有义务主动向业主追讨工程款,以确保港航主合同权的实现……但广航除提交了6月30日向业主发出的催款函外, ,2018除付款函外,无其他主动有效的维权方式。 对于港航公司来说……总承包合同规定的付款期限届满后,如果广航未行使其权利,可以向广航追索工程结算款。


第十九条 非法分包商对工程借款承担连带责任。


为了追求不公平的利益,建筑项目的承包商与实际的构造商密谋签订了项目合同协议,非法分包或分包了他最初合同的建筑项目,并允许实际的构造函数以隶属于实际的构造商的名义由于违反了法律和行政法规的强制性规定,他的项目部门的建设是无效的。 当实际的构造商从第三方借钱完成协议项目时,项目部还为债权人提供贷款偿还贷款的保证,如果贷款用于该项目并且尚未偿还,则如果债权人知道工程项目部门是公司分支机构的内部职能部门,并且接受其担保,则承包商实际上是股票,该担保应无效,造成的损失应由债权人承担。 债权人应亲自承担责任,承包商不承担与担保有关的任何责任。

20.如果分包合同无效,分包商实际上尚未参与该项目的建设管理,则分包商无权从实际的构造师那里收取管理费 - 贵州建筑工程集团第四建筑工程有限公司和Ltd.和Ltd.和Li Boqu建设项目建设合同纠纷案件


该案所涉及的项目是,齐敏借入了吉州第四号建筑公司的资格来进行该项目,然后将其全部分包给了李·博奎(Li Boqu)和刘·塔吉(Liu Taigui)。 因此,“目标责任信一号”是借入案件涉及的项目的资格签署的协议,“目标责任信件二”是借用资格签署的协议,以承担案件涉及的项目。 项目的非法分包协议应为无效合同。 根据“建筑项目合同纠纷案件中适用的法律问题对最高人民法院的解释”的第2条,可以根据合同规定计算项目付款,但这并不意味着相关规定是独立有效的。 因此,第二例法院裁定,齐敏(Zhimin and Guizhou)和吉州(Guizhou)第四届建筑公司之间的管理费协议与ran Zhimin,Li Boqu和Liu Taigui之间的分包费协议都是无效的条款。 第二个实例裁定,第四家建筑公司无权收取管理费,也没有法律的不当申请。 扣除管理费后,公司支付的项目付款和运行Zhimin并未超过刘塔吉和李·鲍奎的项目价格。 总而言之,第二例法院不支持第四号建筑公司的说法,即李·博奎(Li Boqu)和刘·塔吉(Liu Taigui)应退还其超额付费的项目费用。 这并不缺乏事实和法律依据,因此不应支持其重试的应用。


21.承包商非法分包合同,分包合同无效。 但是,如果建设项目通过检查和接受,承包商应根据实际建筑商的实际资格级别支付建设项目付款,并确定项目付款-Xinjiang New Century New Century Socoress Secore Real Estate Development Co.关于公司与青岛建筑集团公司之间的建筑合同纠纷


如果承包商非法分包合同,则分包合同无效,但建筑项目通过检查和接受,承包商也接管了建筑物,承包商应支付建筑项目费用。 由于施工项目由实际的构造函数完成,因此应根据实际构造师的资格级别解决项目付款。

[案号]:(2006)Minyi Zhong No. 42

案例来源:“民事审判指南和参考” 2008第二期(总计第34期)

22.如果将建设项目分包给第三方违反法律,则该合同将无效 - 中国什叶派冶金集团有限公司,东方中国分支机构和Zaozhuang Mining Group的二级​​民事判决中国智安工程有限公司


最高人民法院认为,“中华人民共和国建筑法”的第28条规定,禁止承包单位分包给他人签订的所有建筑项目,并且禁止签约单位将所有人分解它已收缩的建筑项目,然后将其分包。 即分包给他人。

根据建筑项目司法解释的第4条,承包商的非法分包合同无效。 中东与Desheng Company签署了“建筑项目建设合同”后,它将项目分包给了中国什叶派东中国分支机构,后者违反了法律的强制性规定,应视为无效。


由于中国什叶派签署的建筑合同和补充协议和中国的智恩公司没有根据“建筑项目的司法解释”第1条,上述建筑合同和补充协议无效。 中国什耶东中国分支机构支持有关合同无效的诉讼。

首先确定中国Xingxing Jian'an Company和中国什叶派分支机构签署的建筑合同的原因是不正确的,应予以纠正。



24.分包合同无效,但合同转让是合法的。 两者之间的主要区别是:首先,建筑合同的主题是不同的,其次,法律关系的结构是不同的,第三,承包商的状况不同。

25.当一个项目被分包多次时,实际构造人没有法律依据要求与他们没有合同关系的分包商承担共同责任-Zhang Zhiyou vs. Zhongtian Construction Group Co.,and Ltd.和Wang Guomin建设项目建设合同纠纷



“解释”第26条第1段规定:如果实际建构师起诉分包商或非法分包商作为被告,则人民法院应根据法律接受案件。 在这种情况下,中国公司与王·吉明(Wang Guomin)签署了“木工副投影合同”。 Wang Guomin和Zhang Zhiyou达成了口头协议,张Zhiyou负责Wang Guomin合同的一些项目。 Zhang Zhiyou和郑特亚公司之间没有合同关系。 对于张Zhiyou来说,合同的交易对手是Wang Guomin。 Zhang Zhiyou可以从非法分包商Wang Guomin索取项目付款。 “解释”第26条第2段规定:如果实际建构员索赔承包商作为被告,则人民法院可以添加分包商或非法分包商作为案件的一方。 承包商应对未偿还项目付款范围内的实际构造函数负责。 在这种情况下,中国公司是该项目的总承包商。 在审判期间,所有有关方面都不反对这一事实。 中国公司不是所涉及的项目的承包商,第一例法院认为,解释的第26条第2款的规定不应适用于这种情况,这是不合适的。 综上所述,中国公司既不是该案涉及的项目的承包商,也不是与张Zhiyou有合同关系。 张张尤(Zhang Zhiyou)要求重审要求中东公司承担共同的责任,而对付款的几项责任缺乏法律依据江苏鑫鹏钢结构工程有限公司,而本法院将不支持这一责任。 。


26.实际的构造函数不是承包商的雇员,并且独立工作,因此应将其视为非法分包而不是隶属关系-Anhui省Shizipu Tea Factory,由于与Hefei建筑工程工程工程公司的建设项目合同纠纷,有限公司


2010年10月22日,Jinniao公司与Shizipu Tea House签署了“建设项目建设合同”,以进行所涉及的项目的建设。 2011年2月1日,Jinniao公司分别与Sun Hua和Wu Zhengxing签署了“项目合同”,Sun Hua在其中建造了建筑物39#,40#和41#和辅助项目,以及Wu Zhengx,建造建筑物24#,25,25,25,25,25,25 #和30 #building。 “项目合同”规定,预付款应由实际的构造人本人解决,Jinniao公司将不承担任何费用和责任。 以上事实证明,在Jinniao公司进行了案件涉及的项目的构建后,它将涉及的整个项目分为两个部分,并将其分包给Sun Hua和Wu Zhengxing,他们不是其内部雇员的实际建筑,没有承担任何费用或责任。 满足非法分包的要求。


27.在承包商拆除其签约的所有建筑项目并以分包的名义将其转移到其他部门之后,这是一项分包法 - Shenyang Kaicheng Housing Development Co.,Ltd.与Dalian Huayang Huayang Construction Enstructionering Co.有争议。 Dalian Shengda Construction Group Co.,Ltd。


Kaicheng Company and Shengda Company于2007年6月14日签署了一份“建筑项目建设合同”,将CNPC Geely Street项目B区的16个建筑物分包给Shengda Company。 Shengda公司又转移了在这种情况下有争议的B2#。 三座建筑物B3#和B4#分包给Huayang Company。 根据《建筑项目质量管理法规》第78条第3款,分包意味着,在合同单位合同签约建筑项目后,它未能履行合同中规定的责任和义务,并将所有合同的建筑项目转移给其他人或将他们转移给他人。 拆除所有合同的建筑项目,然后将其转移到其他单位以分包合同的名义转移到其他部门的行为。 该法院裁定,Shengda公司的分包法案将其根据一般合同签给Huayang Company签订的16座建筑物中的3座是一项法规含义的分包法。

[案号]:(2013)Mintizi No. 156

28.总承包商应与分包商与分包商共同负责建筑部门,因为事故因未能确保安全生产而造成的经济损失 - Ordos Xinjuyuan Chemical Co.钢结构建筑有限公司,上海汤吉·鲍伊建筑机器人有限公司,Xuzhou Hongyuan Steel结构结构安装有限公司和第三方北京北京Hengjing Hengji Hengji Engineering Management Co.,Ltd.


根据中国煤炭公司与鲍耶公司签署的“技术服务合同”,鲍耶公司负责为该项目准备液压同步提升计划,并负责液压提升操作。 因此,合同的性质应确定为分包合同。 双方还同意,应在技术服务合同的范围内执行安全责任,并参考中国煤炭公司和Xinjuyuan公司签署的合同中的相关条款。 根据《中华人民共和国建筑法》第29条的第二段,建筑项目的总承包商应根据一般合同的规定对建筑部门负责; 分包单位应根据分包合同的规定对总承包商负责。 总承包商和分包商应对分包项目的建设部门承担几项责任。 因此,新朱元公司要求鲍耶公司承担与中国煤炭公司的共同责任,因为由于未能确保安全生产而导致事故造成的经济损失。






该理论认为,分包商应定位为承包商用来帮助他执行建筑项目的建设义务的人,并且是民法理论上的绩效助理。 尽管基于司法政策的考虑,绩效助理可以获得针对承包商的直接索赔权,但雇主有权根据建筑项目合同对承包商主张任何辩护或反诉。 承包商未经承包商同意将合同的建筑项目分包,这违反了根据中国法律的禁止分包合同。 由于非法承包商,法律承包商享有的权利无法超过他们所享有的权利。 因此,参与案件的承包商Cinger C的权利范围不能大于基于转让关系的权利权利范围。 在行使法院解释权之后,转让人仍然没有改变诉讼的要求,因此应决定拒绝索赔。


承包商和承包商签署了合法有效的“建筑项目建设合同”。 未经承包商同意,承包商将承包商转移到转让人,这是非法转让行为。 与承包商相比,过境所有者仅是承包商使用的表演者来违反法律和合同。 根据合同的相对性质原则,表演者的辅助机构通常不会获得承包商的直接请求权。 。 鉴于“建筑项目建设合同解释”的第26条[2020“建筑项目建设合同司法解释(1)”第43 1条“保护有关支付农民工的工资的法规”的规定,直接要求请求,因此承包商和承包商与承包商的合同可以行使承包商,并且还有行使转让人的权利。



答:建设项目的建设,相关转让合同,非法分包合同以及借贷资格签署的建筑合同无效。 相关合同中规定的管理费不能理解为转让人,非法分包商或合格的建筑单位转移,非法分包项目或资格资格。 如果承包商,非法分包商或合格的建筑单位仅提供项目或借用资格,但不实施特定的建筑或管理行为,承包商,非法分包商或借款人的付款管理费通常不支持该请求; 如果承包商,非法分包商或借用资格的借款人在给予项目或贷款资格后,也应将其视为诸如支出之类的因素成本,合同当事方的错以及利益平衡是在双方之间合理地共享的,以分享管理成本的损失。


31.实际的建筑人员有权向转让人-Luo Guohua和Dali City的第12届建筑工程有限公司索取该项目资金,这是Dali City的第一个案例,这是Shuangjiang Lajun Langblang Shuangang Boran Dai Automanous County Countly的首次被告Shuangjiang Boran dai dai automanous dai dai automanous dai dai boran dai laban dai labu boran dai boran dai。 ,布朗,戴戴自动县的教育局,第三党武士和卢Qisan建筑项目建设合同纠纷


该项目参与了达利(Dali)十二个建筑部门的项目后,吴尚山(Wu Liangsheng)和杨(Yang Hui)将该项目通过武升(Wu Liangsheng)和杨hui(Yang Hui)转移到卢奥圭厄(Luo Guohua)进行建筑,而卢奥·圭厄(Luo Guohua)将工程劳动服务纳入了Luo Qisan。 Luo Guohua和Wu Liangsheng和Yang Hui签署的“合作协议”规定,Luo Guohua负责该项目所涉及的项目的全部资本建设,而不是项目管理,而不是Wu Liangsheng。 在签署了上述协议后,卢瓜(Luo Guohua)购买了装满工具,土方工程的土壤和石头等材料,并聘请了技术经理进入建筑。 法院裁定,该项目所涉及的Luo Guohua案的实际建设,并有权从Dali 12部门索取该项目资金。

[案例号]:(2018)最高法国Minzi No. 204 No. 204

32.劳工分包的内部承包商有权作为实际建筑人员进行倡导工程基金-Guizhou Yaxi Liquor Co.冶金建筑公司,贵州冶金建筑公司和第三方吉州建筑业Huarong Labor Engineering Co.,Ltd。和建筑工程建筑合同纠纷


在这种情况下,Yaxi葡萄酒行业将项目发布给了冶金公司。 冶金公司授权冶金金属三家公司成立项目部门,以实施涉及的案件项目,并庄严任命了项目部门的负责人。 冶金三公司在与Hualong Labor Company签署了“建筑工程劳动力建设的副本持续合同”之后,并将涉及该项目的项目分包给Hualong Labor Company。 Hualong劳工公司与Lorenbin,Huang Kailu和Cai Yunbing签署了“内部劳动施工合同”,并进行了内部合同的一部分。 洛伦·本(Loren Bin),黄凯(Huang Kailu)和凯·尤恩(Cai Yunbing)案件案件涉及的项目的实际结构。 Yaxi葡萄酒行业尚未证明在洛伦本,黄凯鲁和蔡云的建设中的建设中存在不合格的情况。 因此,Yaxi葡萄酒行业承担了实际建筑党在欠款冶金公司的工程资金范围内的责任。

[案例编号]:(2018年)最高fa min end 27

33.包包分包合同不应突破合同的相对性质-Gansu -Gansu No.1 Construction Group Co.,Ltd。和机械行业第六设计研究所有限公司争议


在这种情况下,该案中涉及的四项“建筑项目建设合同”由甘努(Gansu)的第六医院签署。 Star Railway工具公司并不是合同的各方。 性行为原则没有直接在甘努付款的合同义务。 在非法分包或非法分包的情况下,实际的建筑人员在无效合同的情况下会导致劳动分包商,这是一个系统,旨在确保移民工人的利益。 在这种情况下,与甘努第六法院和第六法院机构的合同是合法和有效的,它是具有建筑资格的建筑企业。 实际建筑人员的条件,甘苏·伊吉安(Gansu Yijian)违反了关系人的关系命题的关系,即Xinghuo机床公司的索赔承担责任要求没有法律依据,并且不支持该法律。

[案例号]:(2017年)最高fa min ent 612 No. 612

34.除非实际的建筑人员难以保护实现权利的权利,原则上,实际上不允许实际建筑人员提及承包商和被告的总承包商-US的诉讼Xining City Transportation Construction Investment Co.,Xining Urban Investment Management Co.合同纠纷


在这种情况下,Xining Trading,Xining City Investment和美国建筑公司尚未签订合同。 Xining Investment与Mingrui公司之间的“合作协议”尚未同意带来责任。 责任的合同基础。 即使Xining Trading被确定为真正的“承包商”,它当然也不是对项目产生的债务负责。 当承包商与实际建筑人员没有合同关系时,承包商仅承担仅在某些条件下欠工程资金的实际建筑人员的责任。 第26条的法律问题的解释,但是由于违反了合同的相对性质,本条对此有严格的限制:首先,本条的立法目的是合同中的实际建设人员很难保护实现。在原则上,诸如破产和未知的工作人员和其他实际建筑商都不得与没有合同关系的承包商和总承包商提起诉讼。就此案件而言,资格和其他违反法律和行政法规。责任是为了Xining贸易部门的承包商缺乏事实和法律依据。

35.承包商的转让不能直接向承包商-YU大城市,彭江和Qinghai Xihai Coal Power Co.,Ltd.和Qinghai Hongbo Mineral Resources Development Co.,Ltd.


尽管Yu大城市和Peng Jianhua提倡与Xihai Coal Power Corporation建立直接的合同关系,但西海煤炭公司不承认,而Yu大城市和Peng Jianhua则没有相应的合同作为证明这一点的证据。 Yu大城市和彭华(Yu)从洪博矿产公司(Hongbo Mineral Company)转移到西部矿山西部的50米治理项目,而不是与西海煤炭公司的直接合同关系。 因此,YU大城市和彭华(Peng Jianhua)要求西海煤炭公司(Xihai Coal Power Corporation)缺乏5,680,000元人民币的付款责任的事实基础和法律依据,以至于西部的50米扩张。

[案例编号]:(2017年)最高fa min end 575 No. 575

36.一般缔约国在建设过程中为个人提供了针对个人的大型建筑设备和建筑材料,并配备了专业和技术人员。 关于建筑和安装集团有限公司建设合同的争议。


第78条,“建筑项目质量管理法规”第3款规定:“这些法规中转让的转让是指签给建筑项目后合同规定的责任和义务。在这种情况下,驳回了对于以分包的名义签约的其他人或所有建筑项目,他们分别与张吉氧化,Fan Lei和Chen Jun签署了“内部签约协议”,并同意将该项目的参与分包给三人为了组织劳动力,提供了大型的建筑设备和建筑材料,并配备了上述分包方式。建筑设备材料,负责工程技术和质量,建筑管理以及承包商和解。 同时,江苏伊吉安公司(Jiangsu Yijian Company)在首先展示了诸如“设备租赁合同”和“建筑设备租赁合同”之类的证据,该证据证明该公司根据规定提供了参与案件建设的大规模建筑设备凭借“内部签约协议”并履行其履行绩效并实现其履行绩效并实现其履行绩效并实现其履行绩效并实现绩效并实现绩效绩效并实现绩效绩效并实现绩效绩效和履行性能和履行性能的表现。 总承包商的义务。 因此,江苏Yijian公司将案件中涉及的案件分包给个人,这只是劳动分包,并且不构成第78条第3条第3款,第3款,《建筑工程质量管理法规》第3段中规定的非法分包行为。

[案例编号]:(2018年)最高fa min shen shen No. 5457



最高法院认为,在涉及该项目的案件之后,与Wudong签署了“项目建设委托书”,Wudong非法将该项目转移到Wudong,并进行了建设。 法律没有规定转让方向的付款方向是基于向承包商支付项目资金支付项目资金的前提。 Wudong作为实际的建筑人员有权向转移牙XIWEE公司索取该项目资金。

[案例编号]:(2019年)最高的FA -Civilian End 1549 No. 1549

38. Shilong Company和Yu Moumou以及住房和城市建设局建设项目建设项目建设合同纠纷


住房和城市建设局与希尔隆公司签署了“建筑项目建设合同”,以提交该县城市家庭垃圾处理厂的第一阶段,即垃圾大坝和数据库区域以及其他地球和石材项目。 签署了与Yu Moumou的“项目建设合同”,以组织合同项目的建设,以建造Yu Moumou,而无需建设资格。 与Yu Moumou的实际部分分包有关系。 Shilong Company和Yu Moumou签署的“工程施工合同”无效,但应支持Yu Moumou要求Shilong Company支付项目资金的要求。

39. Huang Moumou,Lin Moumou和Jiangxi Tongwei公司


建筑项目分包合同的主要法律特征是,承包商将他签订的一些项目交给了第三方完成,第三方获得了施工交付的项目的项目价格。 The main content of the labor subcontracting contract is to point the labor operations with strong professional and technical service in the construction of the project. The object is the construction labor of pieces or timing, which mainly refers to labor costs and corresponding management costs of labor construction. In this case, Tongwei Company and Huang Moumou have signed two "Highway Construction Engineering Construction Labor Contract Contracts". The main content agreed is road base, earth and stone, culvert, protection drainage, and civil construction projects to Huang Guosheng. The content of the above contract conforms to the legal characteristics of the project subcontracting contract. Because the project subcontracting contract is the contractor to hand over some of the projects he contracts to the third party, so the contractor needs to provide a certain construction management of the third party's construction, and it will not rule out that the contractor and the third party agreed to the contractor agreed to the contractor. Provide some materials and equipment. Jiangxi Tongwei Corporation advocates that the contract involved in the case as a labor subcontracting contract on the grounds of providing materials and equipment and construction management should be determined that it is valid, lack of facts and legal basis.

40. A labor company sue a construction company and a third -party garden company construction project subcontracting contract dispute -actual construction personnel requires the contractor to be responsible for the contractor's funding scope

[Referee Essentials]:

"Interpretation of the Application of Legal Issues of the Supreme People's Court on Trial Construction Project Construction Contracts (1)" involves two legal relationships between the three parties, one is the relationship between the construction contract between the contractor and the contractor ; When applying this terms: First of all, only the first -hand actual construction talents that signed a subcontracting contract with the contracting unit and the illegal subcontracting contract can be applied to this entry, borrowing qualifications and multi -layer subcontracting and illegal subcontracting relationships. The actual construction persons are not applicable. Secondly, the contractor in this article is static and absolute. It only refers to the construction unit of the construction project, that is, the owner, excluding the relative contractor in multi -layer subcontracting or illegal subcontracting. Finally, the main facts such as whether the contractor has arrears, the amount of the arrears, and the expiration of the amount of the arrears should be found. If the specific amount of the contractor owed is not found, but according to the existing evidence, it can prove that the amount of the contractor's owing payment is far greater than the project price claimed by the actual construction person, then the people's court can support它。 However, if the existing evidence cannot find out the facts and the amount of the arrears, the actual construction person shall bear the legal consequences that the proof cannot be proof, that is, the request of the actual construction person.

The typical significance of this case is to remind the actual construction person in the borrowing of qualifications and multi -layer subcontracting and illegal subcontracting to accurately understand the meaning of the law. Blindly listed the contractor who did not have a direct contract relationship as the defendant and asked the contractor to bear the responsibility of payment, not only maybe the time cost and announcement fee of the announcement of the trial cycle may be lengthened due to the failure to directly deliver. There may also be a risk of losing the right to the right to request the right to request the right to request the right to request the right. What's more, it may also bear the liability for compensation for others due to errors. The principle of breaking the contract of the contract advocates that the rights should accurately define the subject and obligations of the right and apply strictly, and avoid abuse of the right to appeal.

41. Guangdong Provincial Higher People's Court, Guangzhou Hengyue Construction Project Management Co., Ltd., Dongguan Rongfeng Construction Labor Subcontay Co., Ltd. Construction Project Construction Project Construction Contract Disputes

[Referee Essentials]:

(Transfer relationship: Prayer Company (Bunker) → Housing Construction Company → Hengyue Company → Rongfeng Company) But whether the transferor or subcontractor should bear the responsibility in the case of multiple transfer or subcontractor in the project What kind of responsibility, the above -mentioned judicial interpretation (Article 26 of the Interpretation of the Workers) did not make clear rules. Therefore, the actual construction party should claim the right to the contract according to the principle of relativity of the contract. In this case, Hengyue Corporation advocates that the Housing and Construction Corporation shall bear the liability for liability for liquidation of the project owed project.

[Case number number]: (2017) Yue Min Shen No. 8896

42. Liu Dexiang and Yunnan Construction Industry Water Conservancy and Hydropower Construction Co., Ltd., Hu Yan and other construction project construction contract disputes applications for retrial civil ruling

[Referee Essentials]:

(Transfer relationship: Bunker → Yunnan Jiangong → Hu Yan → Chen Wenhua → Liu Dexiang)

The Supreme People's Court believes that the general contractor of the project involved in the project of the Yunnan Construction Industry Company was subcontracted to Hu Yan, and Hu Yan transferred to Chen Wenhua. From the content of the "Agreement Affairs Agreement", the first stage of the project involved in the project entered the construction stage of the road in Hong Kong. Chen Wenhua transferred the entry into the Hong Kong road project to Liu Dexiang. Liu Dexiang was the actual construction of the project. According to Article 26 of the Supreme People's Court on the Application of Legal Issues of the Construction Project Construction Contract Dispute Cases, Liu Dexiang can claim engineering funds to Chen Wenhua and the contractor, and the contractor shall bear responsibility within the scope of the owed project资金。 。 Liu Dexiang's "Settlement Book" and "Settlement List" submitted by Liu Dexiang are photocopies. Yunnan Construction Industry Company does not recognize its authenticity. There is a construction contract relationship between the company, and because the non -case involved in the project involved in the project of the Yunnan Construction Industry Company, Liu Dexiang has a direct contract relationship with the Yunnan Construction Industry Company. Reasons for retrial application cannot be established.

[Case number number]: (2016) Supreme Faculty 936 No. 936

43. Zhao Yongpeng and other construction contract disputes in construction project construction contracts such as Huiyi City Construction Investment Co., Ltd.

[Referee Essentials]:

(Transfer relationship: Huiyi Company (Bunker) → Beijing Urban Construction → Manilist → Junhai Company → Chongqing Huanshui → Zhao Yongpeng, Mu Shoufu)

The Supreme People's Court believes that the liability for liability is a unfavorable burden on the parties. Except for the law clearly stipulated or the parties have a clear agreement, it is not appropriate to apply. The principle of relativity of contracts is also the basic principle of contract law. It must have strict applicable conditions to break through. In this case, the Beijing Urban Construction Company and Zhao Yongpeng and Mother Shoufu did not sign any contract for the construction of the project. Within the scope of the project, the main body of the actual construction person is assumed. Zhao Yongpeng and Mother Shoufu apply for retrial in accordance with the standardized documents of other courts and the effective judgment of another case. It is advocated that the Beijing Urban Construction Company should be ordered to assume joint responsibilities in accordance with the principle of "light and light" and consistent power and responsibility. The improper expansion of the breakthrough is not based on the law, and the court does not support it.

[Case number number]: (2015) Min Shen Zi No. 1504

44. Su Sheng and Gansu Tianpeng Engineering Construction Co., Ltd. and Lanzhou Lanshi Construction Engineering Co., Ltd. Construction Engineering Construction Contract Dispute Two Civil Rail Civil Ruling.

[Referee Essentials]:

The court believes that when Hongli Company and Su Sheng signed the "Credit and Debt Transfer Agreement", the project had been delivered. This debt had been formed. After the signing of the transfer agreement, Hongli Company also fulfilled the notification obligation to Tianpeng. The current laws and regulations are not prohibited from the transfer of claims under the construction contract of the construction project, nor does it stipulate that the claims and debts under the construction contract that has not been settled cannot be transferred. According to Article 80 and 81 of the Contract Law of the People's Republic of China, there is no invalid situation in the "Credit and Debt Transfer Agreement" signed by Hongli Company and Su Sheng. Therefore, Su Sheng became a new creditor for the transfer of creditor's rights and has the qualifications of litigation subjects. Its prosecution meets the prosecution conditions stipulated in Article 119 of the Civil Procedure Law of the People's Republic of China.

[Case number number]: (2016) Gan Min No. 415

45. Changzhou Jiacheng Construction Engineering Co., Ltd. and Dingyuan County People's Government Construction Engineering Construction Contract Dispute Research on Research and Supervision and Supervision.

[Referee Essentials]:

After review, the main problem of the re -examination of the case was that the People's Government of Dingyuan County was responsible for whether the project involved in the project involved.

First of all, Changzhou Jiacheng Company and the People's Government of Dingyuan County have no direct contractual relationship. Changzhou Jiacheng Company is involved in the project involved in the "Construction Agreement" and "repayment agreement" in accordance with the "Construction Agreement" and "repayment agreement". The People's Government of Dingyuan County is not the contract party of the above -mentioned "Construction Agreement" and "repayment agreement". According to the principle of relativity of the contract, the payment obligations stipulated in the "Construction Agreement" and the "repayment agreement" have no payment obligations to the Dingyuan County People's Government. 捆绑。

Secondly, the "Project Cooperation Development Agreement" signed by the People's Government of Dingyuan County and Changzhou China Defense Company did not agreed that the People's Government of Dingyuan County was an investor and construction unit. It is also agreed that Changzhou China Defense Company has established Dingyuan County China Defense Company with an independent legal person as a project management company for Changzhou China Defense Company to complete the overall construction task of the project and be responsible for the completion of the project operation和管理。 It can be seen that Dingyuan County China Defense Company was established by Changzhou China Defense Company. The People's Government of Dingyuan County has no legal relationship with the company. And the "Project Cooperation Development Agreement" is a contract that cooperates with the development of legal relations between the People's Government of Yuanxian County and Changzhou China Defense Company. No contract basis. Therefore, Changzhou Jiacheng Company requested that the People's Government of Dingyuan County bears the responsibility of joint payment, and has no contract and legal basis.

Once again, the People's Government of Dingyuan County and Changzhou China Defense Company and Dingyuan County China Defense Company have agreed to terminate the "Project Cooperation Development Agreement". The compensation problem of the completion process belongs to the scope of cooperative development of the legal relationship between the People's Government of Dingyuan County and Changzhou China Defense Company or Dingyuan County China Defense Company. The People's Government of Dingyuan County advocates. The judgment of the second instance has clearly stated that such as Changzhou China Defense Company or Dingyuan County China Defense Corporation is negligible to exercise their rights. Changzhou Jiacheng Company can submit a substitutional litigation separately. Changzhou Jiacheng Company's legitimate rights and interests have another relief channel. Therefore, Changzhou Jiacheng Company applied for a re -review that in accordance with the basic principles of equity and obligations, the people's government of Dingyuan County should also bear the obligation of payment project funds and cannot be established.

[Case number number]: (2018) Supreme Fa Min Shen No. 2275

46. ​​Disputes of Zhenfeng Construction Company with China Railway Ninth Bureau Company and China Railway Fourth Bureau Road and Bridge Company Construction Project Construction Project Construction Project Construction Contract disputes.

[Referee Essentials]:

The Supreme People's Court believes that the Zhenfeng Construction Company of this case shall file a lawsuit with the court, requesting all the project funds of the China Railway Nine Bureau and the Luqiao Company of China Railway and China Railway Fourth Bureau. According to Article 28 of the Judicial Interpretation of the Civil Procedure Law, "disputes between construction project construction contracts and determine jurisdictions in accordance with real estate disputes." Article 3 of the "Several Provisions of the Species of the Court of Railway Courts" stipulates that contract disputes related to the construction and construction of railway and its subsidiaries are under the jurisdiction of the Court of Railway Transport. Therefore, this case determines that the jurisdiction must consider not only the special jurisdiction of the railway court, but also determine the jurisdiction of the jurisdiction according to real estate disputes. In this case, Zhenfeng Construction Co., Ltd. and China Railway Nine Bureau and China Railway Fourth Bureau Luqiao Company stipulated that the Court of Court of Fourth Railway Road and Bridge Company was the Changchun Railway Transportation Court in the "Construction Engineering Construction Labor Sub -Contactions Contract Contracts". The regulations of the jurisdiction should be determined as invalid. According to a certificate issued by the China Railway Shenyang Bureau Group Co., Ltd., Maolin Station is the station under the jurisdiction of the Tongliao Vehicle section. The construction site involved in the construction project is located in the flat line Maolin to the Manhan camp section, which belongs to the jurisdiction of the Tongliao vehicle section. Combined with the above -mentioned judicial interpretation, this case shall be exclusively under the Tongliao Railway Transport Court.

[Case number number]: (2018) The Supreme French Citizen Jurisdiction No. 44

47. Hualong Company's dispute over the jurisdiction of Haitian Company and Haitian Company Qinghai Branch.

[Referee Essentials]:

The court was reviewed that the Qinghai Branch of Haitian Company was signed the "Construction Engineering Labor Contract Contract" for some projects in the Haihu New District Mansion No. 9 Mansion Project as the contractor. The public hall project is a construction project. Haitian Company Qinghai Branch and Huarong Company also clearly stipulated in the "Construction Engineering Labor Contract Contracts": "According to the" People's Republic of China Contract Law "and the" Construction Law of the People's Republic of China ", they have fully negotiated the two parties Signing this contract unanimously. " Therefore, the contract is an agreement on the establishment of civil rights and obligations between the subject of equality to establish a civil rights and obligations, rather than the establishment of a labor relationship between the employer and the workers 。 Therefore, Haitian Company advocates that the dispute in this case should apply the pre -procedure of labor arbitration, and the lack of facts and legal basis, and the court does not support it. According to the judicial interpretation of the Civil Procedure Law, disputes over rural land contractual contract disputes, housing lease contract disputes, construction project construction contract disputes, policy housing sales contract disputes, in accordance with the jurisdiction of real estate disputes ", combined with the project construction site of this case is located in Qinghai Province The relevant facts and relevant regulations believe that the case should be determined in accordance with the principle of exclusive jurisdiction of real estate disputes to determine the jurisdiction of the court, and confirm that the Qinghai Provincial Higher People's Court has jurisdiction over the case. The determination of power has no effect.

[Case number number]: (2017) The Supreme French Min

48. Midee Corporation and China Construction No. 1 Company Construction Engineering subcontracting contract dispute.

[Referee Essentials]:

The Supreme People's Court believes that Article 28, paragraph 2 of the Judicial Interpretation of the Civil Procedure Law stipulates: "Disputes of rural land contractual contract disputes, housing lease contract disputes, construction project construction contract disputes, policy housing trading contract disputes, determine jurisdiction according to real estate disputes to determine jurisdiction over jurisdiction "." The understanding of the dispute over the construction contract involved in this item shall not be limited to the third and fourth cases under the construction contract item of the "Civil Case Case". Cases related to construction engineering construction: Construction project construction contract disputes, construction project price priority claim disputes, construction project subcontracting contract disputes, construction engineering supervision contract disputes, decoration contract disputes, railway construction contract disputes, rural house construction construction Construction contract dispute. In this case, the First Company of the China Construction Second Bureau subcontracts the outer wall coatings in its general contracting project to Meidap, and the two parties formed by the construction project subcontracting contract relationship. Although the parties in the "Outer Wall Coatings Project Construction Professional Subcontracting Contract" are agreed to be under the jurisdiction of the People's Court of Fengtai District of Beijing, according to Article 34 of the Civil Procedure Law, the agreed violation of the principle of exclusive jurisdiction shall be determined that it shall be determined. In accordance with the provisions of Article 28 of the Judicial Interpretation of the Civil Procedure Law, this case shall determine the jurisdiction in accordance with real estate disputes. The subcontracting contract signed by the two parties determines that the project is located in Changchun City. Combined with the subject litigation of the case, the case should be under the jurisdiction of the Nantuan District People's Court of Changchun City, Jilin Province.

[Case number number]: (2017) Supreme Dharma No. 30

49. In the case of the construction project, who is the maintenance loss caused by quality problems caused by quality problems caused by the actual construction of the contractor? ——Chropo -China Railway Tunnel Co., Ltd. and Huabang Construction Investment Group Co., Ltd. Construction Project Construction Contract Disputes

[Referee Essentials]:

The responsibility of judging the responsibility for the maintenance cost of the v. It is to examine whether the actual construction person (transferor) and the contractor have a fault for quality problems in the project. According to Article 58 of the Contract Law of the People's Republic of China, the party who has the fault after the contract is invalid or revoked, and the other party shall compensate the other party because of the loss. The "Joint Construction Contract" signed by the contractor and the transferor (actual construction person) (the actual construction person) was invalid because the contractor's illegal transfer of the case to the actual construction person was not effective. The invalidation of the Joint Construction Contract does not affect the rights and obligations of the construction contract between the contractor and the engineer (the contractor). When the case involved in the case, of course, the contractor shall bear the corresponding liability for breach of contract to the owner in accordance with the contract. At the same time, due to the actual construction of a third party (transferor and actual construction person) other than the contract, the contractor assumed the basis of the contract with the owner of the owner's contract with the owner, but also It is that the construction behavior of the third party outside the contract does not meet the responsibility system under the agreed situation. After the contractor bears the liability of the engineering quality problem to the owner, the contractor also needs to share the loss caused by the quality problem in accordance with the actual construction party in the scope of each fault. Based on the above analysis, it can be determined that in the case of construction project transfer, the transferor still has the selection of the project construction subject and the supervision and management responsibilities of the project construction site. After the transferor obtains the project from the owner's side, if the project is transferred to an enterprise or individual who does not have the corresponding construction qualification for construction, or the instructions of the actual construction party cause the quality problem, or the supervision of the construction site is negatively fulfilled the construction site supervision at the construction site. If there is a quality problem with management responsibilities, it shall be determined that there is a certain fault. Therefore, according to its specific fault, it shall share the losses caused by quality problems with the transfer of the contractor who actually engaged in construction activities.

In this case, after the contractor signed the "Joint Construction Contract" with the transferor (actual construction person), he organized the establishment of the project manager department involved in the project, and sent the project manager and other relevant personnel. The two parties also agreed in the "Safety Production Management Agreement" that the contractor performs safety inspections, supervision inspections and management functions within the construction scope of the actual construction person in the construction scope of the unit. During the construction of the project, the contractor (owner) repeatedly reported to the contractor and the actual construction person and the contractor's project manager in the form of notifications, letters and other forms to report to criticize the construction site management chaotic management, standardized construction, and buried large quality hidden dangers. And other issues. However, the contractor has not seen the necessary rectification measures on the issues of the contractor's reporting criticism, and the contractor has not seen the timely performance of the construction site supervision and management responsibilities. Accordingly fault. Therefore, based on the above analysis, because the contractor and the actual construction party have the quality problems that the actual construction parts have occurred, the court of first instance ordered the maintenance costs incurred by the contractor's construction part was borne by Huabang Company. 应该予以纠正。 Combined with factors such as the subsequent maintenance of the project and comprehensively considering the degree of fault of the two parties, the hospital decided that the actual construction person to undertake the 90%maintenance costs generated by its construction part due to quality problems. %Repair fees.

[Case number number]: (2022) Supreme Fa Min No. 291

50. Whether the subcontractor who does not have a contract relationship with the actual construction person is responsible for the project funds -Hu Moumou and Huang Moumou complained about Yang Moumou, Kashgar Xinlong Construction (Group) Co., Ltd. and other construction project subcontracting Contract dispute case

[Referee Essentials]:

Ⅰ. The law does not clearly stipulate that the transferor or the illegal subcontractor shall assume joint responsibility for the actual construction person.

According to the relevant judicial interpretation of the actual construction person's breakthrough in the relative nature of the contract, in the case of the contractor's owed project, based on special issues involving migrant workers' wages, they break through the relative nature of the contract and are protected by the contractor. Although it is stipulated that the illegal transferor or the subcontractor can be added as the parties to the lawsuit, it is not clearly determined that the illegal transferor or the subcontractor shall assume joint responsibility for the actual construction person.

二. The case involved in the actual construction personnel request the transferor to pay and do not support it.

In this case, there is no payment obligations of Xinlong Company in the contract signed contract signed by Li Shigen and Huang Yonghui and Hu Yuzhu, and the behavior of Xinlong's transfer of the project to Li Shigen does not. Contract Subject. For Huang Yonghui and Hu Yuzhu, their true contract is Yang Yuguo. Xinlong Company is neither a contractor involved in the case, and there is no contract relationship with Huang Yonghui and Hu Yuzhu. , Lack of legal basis, the court does not support it.

[Case text number]: (2021) New 31 Min No. 19 No. 19


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